Saturday, September 22, 2018
9:30-11:30 am
Brook Farm Historic Site, 670 Baker Street, West Roxbury
We’re launching our fourth Focus on Brook Farm photography and artists’ outing with a special guided walk focused on some of the creatures who call the Brook Farm Historic Site home.

The walk will be led by Nick Dorian, a first-year PhD student at Tufts University in Medford, MA. He studies native cellophane bees and the impact of landscape change on their populations. When he’s not following bees, Nick spends his time watching and photographing birds. Nick’s passion for science communication and outreach leads him to share what he knows about birds and bees to anyone willing to listen. We hope that means you! Bring your camera or phone, your journal or sketchpad, or just yourself and a friend for an interesting and educational morning.
Please wear sturdy shoes, long pants, and long socks (to tuck your pant legs in) as we may venture off the paths.
The walk will begin promptly at 9:30.
We will select photos, drawings, and other creative works for our annual exhibition at Brookline Bank, West Roxbury in early 2019. Details will be posted soon.