Focus on Brook Farm: Photography & Artists’ Outing – Saturday, October 15 @ 2PM

Saturday, October 15, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Brook Farm Historic Site, 670 Baker Street, West Roxbury, 02132

Photographers and artists of all ages, media, and skill levels: Come out to explore and capture images with camera, sketch pad, and brush. Roslindale photographer Christoph Gervais will provide tips on taking outstanding photos. Brookline Bank will host an exhibition of works this winter.

Refreshments will be available.

In case of inclement weather, we will postpone to Sunday, October 16.

After the event, we invite you to send us your photos and artistic representations of Brook Farm. We will choose images that represent the many faces of the site, frame them, and exhibit them at Brookline Bank, West Roxbury this winter. A reception for all participants is also planned.

We will post all images submitted on our website,


  1. Deadline to submit images: November 12, 2016
  2.  All images must be taken at the Brook Farm Historic Site.
  3. Images should be uncompressed JPG files at the final image size (8”x10”) at 300 dpi. That ends up being about 3.5-4 megabytes as a file size.
  4. Rename each image as follows: Last name_First name_1 (or 2 or 3)
  5. Send each image attached in a separate e-mail to:
    Subject line: “PHOTO [Your name]”
  6. In the body of your message, please describe where on the Brook Farm site the image was taken.
  7. By submitting your image(s), you agree that New Brook Farm, Inc. may display the image on its website, print it for public exhibition, and use it for publicity purposes. We may not sell your image or give it to a third party for use without your permission. You retain the copyright.