Free Guided Walk of Historic Brook Farm on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Join New Brook Farm for an afternoon of Brook Farm history.
Sunday, November 9
1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Brook Farm Historic Site
670 Baker Street, West Roxbury
Free – Refreshments will be served.

Where did Nathaniel Hawthorne reside? Where was the “Margaret Fuller cottage,” and why is that popular name misleading? What and where was the enormous Phalanstery, and what was its tragic end? What happened to the site after the failure of the Brook Farm experiment? What was there before?

Drop by for a stroll around this beautiful and historic place. New Brook Farm board members will be available at various significant locations to tell you what happened there and answer your questions. Join us for an exploration of local history at your own pace.

More information: or 617-694-6407 (Gretchen O’Neill).