Saturday, June 1, 2019
2:00-3:30 pm at the Brook Farm Historic Site,
670 Baker Street, West Roxbury 02132
Rain date Sunday, June 2
Join Jessica Mink and other board members of New Brook Farm for a walking tour of the Brook Farm Historic Site, home to the Brook Farm Association, an influential Transcendentalist community during the 1840’s. We’ll visit the sites of some of the buildings (none of which remain) and see Pulpit Rock, where John Eliot is reputed to have preached to Native Americans and where the Brook Farmers retreated for solitude two hundred years later. Along the way, we’ll discuss some of the activities which took place on the land in the century and three-quarters since Brook Farm, and at the end, we’ll learn about possibilities for the future of the site as proposed by New Brook Farm.
The walk will be around a mile in total, along the paved road and woodland trails. Please wear long pants, socks, and sturdy shoes.
Complimentary refreshments will be served.